From fashion to food, Susie Gallagher’s focus is all about taste. A passion for all things Italian has been the drive behind her fashion label and recently launched food business Cuisine Adagio.

"Growing up in a very large family, there were always 8 to 10 people at the dinner table. I remember this as the happiest time of the day, my siblings humour, my mothers good home cooking, and very lively conversation. Reflection on those times has inspired my food business, as I strive to recreate this atmosphere for others. Friends comment " your dinners just come together and you never seem stressed".
The other childhood reflection is my father ( carpenter by trade ) cutting out garments on the floor by freehand. He would then machine them up and 'presto', some clothing for our tribe. Not sure if they suited my taste, but perhaps this is why my destiny was the fashion business?  Who knows? I just love it !!"  - SG

S U S I E   G A L L A G H E R 


Susie established Susie Gallagher Design, a women’s apparel label in the 80s which brought European sensibilities to the Australasia market.

A lifetime of tours to Italy and the Mediterranean’s has informed Susie’s culinary skills. In 2013 launched Cuisine Adagio, a food and lifestyle business.